Hi and assalamualaikum.
Suuupppper long time no see. My last post dekat blog ni pasal first week of year 4. Which was happened monthsss ago. And today. I dah reached the very last week of the very last block of my academic year. Pftttt.
p/s: Sincere apologize for the late update :(
4th year. Tahun paling mencabar. Obviously. Semakin bertambah tahun mestila semakin mencabar kan? Tahun keempat sebagai dental student. And for the very first time jugak, full clinical hour -daily dari 10 pagi sampai 5 petang, isnin hingga jumaat.
And today. the last day. inventory day. Return balik semua barang -barang cubicle. Kemas cubicle. and bid goodbye to the whole journey happened at A5 (my cubicle). Even ada satu tahun lagi. Tetap rasa sedih. Bila toleh belakang. Kenang balik masa susah dan senang. Sepanjang clinical year.
How would I summarize my 4th year?
ROLLER COASTER. Ada hari I was soooo happy bila dapat achieve requirements. Bila patient cakap boleh datang. Bila patient datang munculkan diri masa appointment. Bila dapat supervisor yang baik. Bila the whole treatment smooth takde any hiccups. Bila dapat pujian. Bila segala-galanya goes with the plan.
Ada hari. I balik bilik. Menangis. Termenung. Tak boleh tidur. Bila patient reply tak boleh datang. Bila clinic kena cancel. Bila kena marah dengan supervisor. Bila buat mistakes. Bila clinic tak lancar. Bila tak dapat achieve requirements. Bila plan semuanya tak jadi.
Frustrated? Of course. But I learnt. To wake up. To continue the life. To continue the journey. My dental journey tak habis lagi. Masih ada hari esok. Untuk buat correction. Untuk buat plan B or C or even D. Untuk gain balik semangat. Tak boleh berputus asa. No. Tak boleh terfikir langsung untuk stop. untuk menyerah. untuk say aku surrender.
That's the biggest thing yang I belajar sepanjang tahun 4 ni.
I would never say that my clinical experience mantap, laju, everything smooth and perfect. I experienced a lotttttttt of hiccups, berapa banyak kali nangis nangis nangis. But, that's what makes me. To become a good dentist. A safe dentist. And I always believe that. For sure.
I will back next year. My final year. I want to do my best. My very best. Insyaallah.
Thank you to everyone yang pernah singgah dekat blog ni. or tersesat or silent reader or whatever. This blog is my long-life journey document. Untuk my future self. So that, bila dah jadi manusia di masa depan. I will read this again and again. How silly was Aida Sakinah hshs.
I will seat for my final exam next 2 weeks. Please make du'a so that all of my batchmates and I can excel in our exam and meet again in next year. Amin.
Stay tuned.
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