General Medicine General Surgery

 Hi and assalamualaikum.

Okay sis hutang satu post pasal gmgs right?  

First. apa itu gmgs. as stated above, they are actually 2 postings in Medical. READ AGAIN. MEDIC. not dental. so to make it simple. dental student kena belajar subjek medic. what is the rational? a dentist must treat a human being not the teeth only. like manusia yang nak duduk ats dental chair nanti tu dia ada kaki kepala organ organ lain dan dia jugak tidak 100% sihat. dentist must know EVERY SINGLE THING pasal penyakit penyakit (common) yang mungkin patient tu ada. get it?

Why is it's soooooo hard?

Since ianya subjek medical, so all of our lecturers come from Kulliyyah of Medicine (all of them are specialists or registrar). Kena tahu from A to Z. no spoon-feeding. like semua notes, textbooks kitaorg sama dengan budak medic. it's quite hard la jugak sebab u kena belajar banyak benda cramp dalam masa setahun. and kena perform well exactly macam budak medic. 

Dalam gmgs ni ada few things yang best. which is the practical part ( i sukaaa gilaa part ni haha). like every Wednesday kitaorg akan pergi hospital untuk bedside teaching (BST). so bst ni maksudnya u jumpa patient dekat ward in small group dengan sorang supervisor. along the way u akan buat 2 things : history taking and physical examination.

History taking ni means u tanya soalan dekat patient sampai u dapat teka apa penyakit patient tu. then PE tu pulak u buat pemeriksaan dekat badan patient. pakai sthethoscope bagai tu..dengar bunyi bernafas, bunyi jantung, bunyi perut, ketuk ketuk dada, ketuk ketuk perut hahahha.

So, usually before Wednesday, kitaorang dah kena cari kes, like cari patient mana nak buat presentation dekat dr esok. so after clinic hari selasa (hari selasa clinic cons dengan prostho which penat gilerrrrrrrrr) kitaorg akan gi hospital. tak sempat dinner, lapar pastu penat clinic. halfway check database patient dekat komputer dah menguap mengantuk hahahhahaa..ah rindunyaaaa semua tu. then esok hari rabu kena marah ngan dr sebab tak tanya soalan betul betul bhahahaha...lepas tu dr ajar buat PE dekat patient. takut takut sebab tak confident, tak ingat step bhahahaha. 

For some people, maybe diaorg rasa susah nak appreciate gmgs ni. ye la takde kaitan kan dengan dentistry like clear relationship gitew haha. tapi for me gmgs ni paling bermakna and paling terkesan dalam hidup la compared to other subjects.

My dad was diagnosed with MI when I was in 2nd year. It was a blessing to be able to study the disease, the immediate management, investigation and etc. I got a clearer picture of the problem plus I actually study how to read the ECG too. Later on, when I was in the final block of gmgs, my mom got breast cancer. which i studied in general surgery posting. i have seen several cases about breast cancer, and even my case write-up was about breast carcinoma. it totally feels like dejavu hmm. every single thing that was briefed to my mom by her oncologists was already stated in my surgery notes hahaha. every phone calls she makes me translate / explain to her in detail...

Another note. I sort of build another love for oral surgery bhahahaha. but. I don't know yet. and . i don't pay any attention to that hahaha.

That's my gmgs story. Number one in the fav part of my life at the moment. Every hard work paid off.




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