First Real Patient, First Clinic!
Hi and assalamualaikum. Another special post pasal year 3. Quick recap: dental student ada 2 years of pre-clinical year (i.e.: lecture, lab but no clinical session) and 3 years of clinical year (i.e.: lectures, lab and full clinical session attending the R.E.A.L patient). Third year is my very firsttttt clinical year, which means my first time treating the patient, using all the instruments and equipments on the real patient. At the very beginning, i start buat treatment on my partner. I did the very basic one macam examination and diagnosis (which include thorough history taking, then clinical examination -check and buat charting gigi, yang korang selalu dengar dentist sebut 12 sound 23 cavity restoration bla bla bla tu, then belajar ambil xray on real patient and etc) Then, i did my first restoration on my partner under Dr H's supervision. I belajar scaling for the first time also on my partner. I pun jadi patient dia when it came to her session la. So kitaorang kena equally divi...