First Year Done!

Hi and assalamualaikum.

Uhuk uhuk uhuk banyaknya betul habuk kat blog ni. Maaflah sis busy tak bertempat padahal sedang membela lemak-lemak jahat haha.
Alhamdulilah, dah selamat tamat first year kira-kira sebulan yang lalu (wohooooo) and now tengah bercuti rehatkan minda rehatkan jiwa dan semestinya qada' tidur sepuas-puasnya.
My first professional exam memang teramat amat ekstrem macam ride roller coaster, air mata berbaldi baldi tumpah plus dengan stress study week, homesick etc. But for sure, that's the best moment ever as dental student. Sis cakap siap-siap masuk dental school memang tak boleh main-main macam sekolah dulu and you must prepare mental and physical. Serius cakap.

I sat for the exam dalam 2 minggu, including 4 subject straight Isnin-Selasa-Rabu-Khamis then another OSPE on the next tuesday. By wednesday, admin released list name untuk viva, viva dentistry UIA ada dua meaning, either borderline distinction or fail/pass. Alhamdulillah, I got 4 viva call for all subjects, and managed to get 3 distinctions out of 4. And tak lupa jugak the vivas are on Thursday, which means sis only has one night to prepare everything for all vivas. Rasa macam nak nangis, I slept 3-4 hours only, but thanks God, everything went well.

I tak tahu kalau ada yang berminat nak tahu my study tips, tapi sis share je kat sini, sebab I found that my study style berubah-ubah since sekolah, and maybe one day sis nak baca balik apa la budak first year ni hadap stress dulu-dulu. haha

Aida's Study Hacks:

1. Understanding

Kebiasaannya bila habis je satu-satu lecture, I akan cepat-cepat buat post-read, recall balik apa yang lecturer ajar dalam kelas. Usually, the night after class I akan buat post-read, then terus buat simple notes (summary). For things yang mcam perlukan additional information, like physio and anatomy [part development] I akan baca buku teks or find any text in Internet.

2. Study Questions/ Past Year

Yang ni habit dari sekolah lagi, I mesti buat latihan untuk test kefahaman. During study week, I really focus on doing past year or study questions or tutorial. From that kita akan dapat agak which part yang lecturer nak highlightkan sebenarnya. I can say it really helps me, tapi tak tahu la effective or not dekat orang lain.

3. Time Table

I found that my schedule little bit diff dari orang lain. Ramai kawan I diaorang go through ikut subjek. Since kitaorang ada 2 minggu study weeks, mostly ramai yang start with one subject, then lepas habis study that subject they go to another. But me, i study 2 subjek a day, then esoknya i study another 2 subject, then i ulang-ulang so that dalam one week i study keempat-empat subjek. kalau tak paham abaikan haha.

why i buat macam tu? i jenis yang ada short memory loss. so i tak boleh tinggal satu-satu benda tu dalam tempoh yang lama, i kena always revise baru lekat dalam kepala hotak. so nak conclude kat sini, you kena faham diri you macam mana, problem you kat mana baru rancang style belajar. ingat, study smart not study hard!

i rasa tu je yang i buat masa study week. the rest ialah always focus dalam kelas, i jarang tidur dalam kelas, kecuali teramat mengantuk, and always make dua, before-during-after. and always talk to your parents. itu aje.

last opinion, jangan stress, chill and tawakkal banyak-banyak. penat sekarang untuk masa depan yang cerah. 

signing off,


  1. kak, kat mana beli bedding set tu? lawa la, kalau dekat shoppee x bagi sekali dgn comferter

    1. dekat ig shop. tapi dah terlupa nama ig dia. sorry:(


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